Why does fish taste better by the sea?

Why does fish taste better by the sea?

There are some things in life that give us ultimate joy, yet we can’t seem to find the logical reason why we enjoy them.
Having fish by the sea is one of them.

Ask anyone and they would chose a restaurant by the sea any day. In fact the closer, the better.
It is more delicious they say. Tastes better than any restaurant in the mountains, or in a city far 3000 miles of the closest shore.
When you ask why? You hear words of a storyteller. The cool sea breeze, the great weather, the breathtaking sea view.
Little to none on the best chef, or fresh fish caught straight from the sea.

We recite events in stories based on how we remember the experience. Not based on facts or metrics. And media amplifies that.
  - Diamonds to love
  - Hot chocolate to warm cozy cold winters
  - Beer to guys hangout
  - Apple to creatives, and many more

Storytelling is an art of weaving experiences into emotional frameworks so they become easily recited.

Just as we evolved biologically to find food tasty so we’d eat it, story triggers pleasure so we’ll pay attention to it.
We don’t passively consume a story, we experience it as if it was actually happening to us.
The next time you share a story with a friend, or buy a product, observe which of your 6 emotions got triggered.
If you're interested in knowing more about the 6 emotions, and storytelling, leave a like or a comment below. I'd love to write about it in the next essay.